速報APP / 健康塑身 / Relax by meditone 3G-1

Relax by meditone 3G-1


檔案大小:39.6 MB

版本需求:需要 iOS 4.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Relax by meditone 3G-1(圖1)-速報App

-For iOS7 User-

Please set the Playing Time with Timer Button before Select the Tone.


Relax by meditone 3G-1


This version is available for 3G environment ! You can download anytime anywhere !


meditone Relax is a novel application of relaxation music playback that uses the artificial tone automatically generated by an original analyzing system based on the scientific analysis of "music" or "voice” actually recognized through clinical data of the music therapy. Different from so called "Healing music," Relax contains characteristic sounds and melodies in a rare case effect but it produces effect by repeatedly listening.

Relax by meditone 3G-1(圖2)-速報App


If you suffer from the symptoms such as "Insomnia" or "Decrease of willpower" by stress or fatigue accumulated before you know. On an occasion like that, try this meditone. You will surely get relaxed and feel better step by step

Use under the following situations proves to be effective.

・It is effective for reading in commuter trains.

・It is effective for work that demands concentration such as document preparations.

・It is effective for a rest after lunch at work.

And, what's the most effective, above all,

・you will be able to sleep well.

Relax by meditone 3G-1(圖3)-速報App


Relax by meditone 3G-1(圖4)-速報App
